Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Watercolor Sketching; Ideas, Ideas and More Ideas

So, your a landscape artist, but your not really in the right frame of mind to do a finished studio painting.  Your mind is wandering with all sorts of ideas and it is making you a bit Van Gogh ish.  Fear not for I have the solution to your dilemma.  Instead of cutting your ear off, sketch a few of your ideas in your sketch book.  Regardless of how much experience we have as artists, paintings always look different painted on paper as they do in our minds.  Empty your brain by transferring your ideas from your brain to your sketch book.  Once your ideas are on paper, you can make subtle tweeks to get the composition where you want it.  Once that happens, use it as your reference for your studio piece.  Here is the best part.  Not only have you saved your ear from a bloody painful mess, but you also have additional reference material for future paintings.  Your sketch book is your idea place.  No one has to ever see it but yourself, unless you want to share it.  There is no right or wrong way to do it.  Use your sketch book to make your artist life better.  I keep  sketch book on my table as I paint a studio piece.  If I reach a point in the composition I am not sure of, I immediately do a sketch to see if my idea works.  Better to mess up a sketch book page then to ruin a studio piece you have already spent significant time on.  In art school, I to was reluctant to use a sketch book.  For some reason, I saw no value it it.  I was so wrong.  I wish sometime I could go back and talk to my younger self and explain how ridiculous that was.  Oh well, we can not go back.  We must keep moving forward and most importantly, learn from our mistakes.  Open your sketch book and get to work.  It really is a lot of fun.

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