Sunday, May 3, 2020

New Painting; A Dive Into Soft Pastels

Hello Everyone;
Something a bit new for this blog.  This is an original 8" X 10" soft pastel painting.  I used a scrap piece of pastelmat pastel paper I had laying around.  For some reason, pastels have been on my mind lately.  Out of all the mediums there are, I believe soft pastels give the artist the most freedom to create art.  They are a bit messy and they are very delicate.  They must be displayed behind glass and extra care needs to be taken for storage and transport of them.
All that being said, soft pastels are almost pure pigment except for the tiny bit of binder needed to keep them in stick form and usable.  Funny enough, if taken care of, soft pastels are the most archival of all mediums.  They are a dry medium so there is no worry about yellowing, buckling or deterioration due to not applying layers correctly.  My favorite aspect of soft pastels is the intimacy you get as the artist when creating your art.  They are small sticks of vibrant rich color literally at your finger tips when you apply this medium to paper.  I love watercolors, oils and soft pastels the most.  I rarely use other mediums.  Soft pastels are my favorite for a purely artistic expression of color.  Oil paints for a little more realism and watercolors for convenience and fun.  All three are archival and beautiful, but the soft pastels have no brush between you and your support.  I highly recommend them, but before you buy your first stick, please, do your research on you tube.  The paper is more important then the soft pastels (in the beginning) and it can be a bit pricey.  Look on Ebay and Amazon for deals.
Have a Blessed day my friends.

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