Sunday, April 26, 2020

Good Bye My Little Girl

Hello Everyone;
Today is a personal post.  My wife and I lost our little girl Julietta last night.  She was a 27 year old cockatiel that we had for 23 years.  She was not sick or in pain, just old.  Yesterday evening, she had difficulty keeping her eyes open,  moved around very slowly and had no appetite.  Laura and I spent some really good quality time with her before we put her to bed for the night knowing she may not make it through the night.  Sure enough,  I found her this morning at the bottom of her cage.  We all had our good byes together last night and she went peacefully.
Every night, Laura would hand feed her angel hair pasta to go along with the seed in her cage.  Every Saturday night, she would sit on my shoulder and I would share Rold Gold pretzel sticks with her.  She gave us a lot of joy and love for only being 3.5 oz's.  When Laura and I were home, she would be let out of her cage so she could play with us.  She could not fly well so we kept her wings cut so she would not hurt herself so her main mode of transportation was waddling from one end of the couch to another.  We went to Menards today and bought a really nice pot and buried her in it with new flowers she will help grow and be as beautiful as she was.  Laura and I never had kids of our own, so she was a close as it got for us and we loved her dearly.  We are sad she is no longer with us, but we are grateful for the wonderful 23 years we had together.
Here is where she will rest.  The pink flowers and little bird were from my parents who spent a lot of time with her as well.  I realize this may seem silly to some people, but when you spend that much time with a living creature, you form a bond that is very real and very important.  She will be missed and we loved her and neither of us will apologize for that.

Have a truly Blessed day my friends and never ever be ashamed of showing love to any of God's wonderful creatures.

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