Sunday, May 17, 2020

New Pastel Painting; Soft Pastures

Hello Everyone;
I hope all are doing well.  Here in the Chicago land area, we have a whole lot of rain.  A little thunder, but nothing severe, just a nice spring growing rain. 
Today's pastel painting deals with a secluded mountain scene I call "Soft Pastures"  I do not name all of my paintings (maybe I should) but when I complete one that speaks to me a bit, I tend to give it a name.  The funny thing is, it does not even have to be a good painting, it just needs to speak to me.  I have named some paintings the public has never seen and never will.  Maybe the painting itself was a disaster, but there was one redeeming element that made it speak to me.  That one element surrounded by garbage could be that one insight you needed to execute a really good painting in the future.  That one tiny bright spot could end up illuminating an entire series of wonderful art pieces.  I guess my point is to listen to that inner artist deep within yourself.  Every artist has that little voice that tells them when to stop a painting, where to add that subtle dash of color, where to soften an edge and so on.  The trick to using your inner artist is to be emotionally level.  When you create art, you need to be in a somewhat calm state of mind. The more at peace you are, the less interference there is inside your head.  Once you learn to clear your mind and listen to your inner artist, you will notice that it speaks to you about many things, not just art.  Once you begin to listen to that inner artist, your life, your art and everything else in your life will begin to work for you instead of against you.  Your inner artist will show you the way to your inner peace.
Have a Blessed Day my friends.

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