Wednesday, May 6, 2020

New Soft Pastel Painting; Did I Hit It Or Swing And Miss??????

Hello Everyone;
I need your help on this one.  Just as my title asks, did I hit it or a big swing and miss?  This is the essence of art my friends.  Take chances.  I had this image in my head on my way home from work this afternoon and decided to put it on paper.  The concept is correct, I am just not sure if the execution works.  It is a bit more abstract then I imagined, but the colors seem to work.
Regardless of what becomes of this piece, I will keep it.  I may not list it on my Etsy site, but I will keep to refer back to.  One of the best teachers we have is our own mistakes.  The more mistakes you make, the better your art becomes.  I really do believe that.  Once we get into a comfort zone with our art, it always becomes a bit stale.  It makes no sense.  If we do the same thing over and over we should get better, right?????
Think about it this way.  If you lift weights, the only way to progress is to consistently try and lift more weight.  If we lift 100 lbs only, we actually become weaker.  So, it stands to reason that we should apply that same logic to our art.  We do not have to change who we are as artists.  We do not have to change our style.  We do however, need to challenge ourselves within our style, within our own soul.  Those challenges are not clearly evident to a casual observer of our art, but they do make a profound impact on how we see our art, and most times, how we see ourselves as people.  Striving to be better, leaving that protective box as it were is a bit scary.  To some, down right terrifying.  Our growth as people depends on our willingness to step out in faith and be prepared to conquer whatever is in our way and at the same time accept that defeat is a real possibility.  Never do something or not do something because of fear.  Accept defeat as a learning experience and accept success as a step closer to your goals.  Keep it in perspective and watch yourself grow.
Have a Blessed day my friends.

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