Wednesday, April 1, 2020

New Watercolor Painting; Aquabord Painting

Hello Everyone;
It has been a little while since I posted a watercolor painting.  Here is one I just finished this evening.  It is a 5" X 7" watercolor landscape painting on a piece of aquabord.  I know you have heard me talk about how much I love painting on this surface and also, how difficult it is to get the hang of this surface.  Both are still true, but I am feeling a bit more comfortable with this support.  Like anything else I guess, nothing of value comes easy.  The more we practice, the better we become.  I believe that will also be true with my aquabord adventures.  I hope by now, everyone realizes that in order to be good at painting, or anything for that matter, it takes a lot of effort.  Whenever you see a painting you love, a world class athlete, great actor or incredible musician or anyone else that excels at any given profession, they all have one thing in common.  They all worked their tails off.  Anyone could be great at something, but our greatness or lack there of is in direct correlation to the amount of effort and sacrifice we are willing to do.  Work hard, enjoy the journey and see what happens.  You may be pleasantly surprised.
Have a blessed day.

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