Sunday, December 1, 2019

Watercolor Painting Supplies; High End Student Grade Paint

If your thinking about trying watercolor painting, but you don't want to spend a ton of money not knowing if you will even like it, then I have a solution for you.  Winsor & Newton is a paint manufacturing company based in England.  They have been around from the late 1700's or early 1800's.  I keep forgetting which one. Winsor & Newton artist grade paints are among the best made world wide and rather pricey as well.  Their student grade however, are really good paints at a very affordable price.  The set pictured is their twelve half pan set.  You can get it at Hobby Lobby for about $29.00 - $34.00 U.S.  Then there is the 40% coupon that makes these paints really affordable.  I suggest the half pans over tube paints for beginners for a few reasons.  First off, they are really convenient.  They come in this little box made of very strong plastic and have mixing areas right in the lid eliminating the need to buy a separate pallet.  It comes with a small travel brush that stores in the box itself.  Just buy a watercolor sketch book and get a few paper towels, some water and your painting.  You can store them anywhere, clean up is almost instant and they travel very well due to the small size.  Another benefit to half pans is that there is no wasted paint.  The pans are made to withstand non use for periods of time and there are no tubes to try and squeeze the last drop from.  For a total of maybe $40.00, you can start painting in watercolors and find out if this is a medium you want to continue learning about or one you want to move on from.

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