Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Watercolor Painting; Thumbnail Studies

So, you have a particular scene running through your mind, but you are just not sure how to begin.  You could guess, use your artistic license and just apply paint to paper and hope for the best.  There are times where this is actually an acceptable strategy.  Spontaneous painting can result in some beautiful work.  This time, however, I want to plan it out a bit.  Take a piece of inexpensive watercolor paper and divide it up into fourths.  Make sure it is watercolor paper.  You want the paint to act the same on these studies as it will on your finished work.  Now, paint four different versions of what is running through your brain.  Unlike sketches that are quick and expressive, take your time a bit on these studies.  I don't want you to labor on each one for hours, but put some thought into each one.  Next, paint each element on each study before moving onto the next.  paint four skies, then four mountain or hills and so on.  The trick is to basically finish all four at the same time.  That way, you do not declare a favorite too soon.  Once all are completed, then make your decision, but wait until all four are done.  If you are still undecided, get a small matt that will fit each study and see what each looks like matted.  Once you do this, your original question will be answered in full.  Use this method with any painting dilemma you find yourself in.  Sketching works well for this too, but I find the longer study versions help me make up my mind a little easier.  Use them both and decide for yourself.  Sometimes, you will find, both sketches and studies will have the desired affect.  It is all a matter of your own preference.  Never be afraid to test new techniques that will assist you in creating beautiful art.

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