Friday, January 10, 2020

Watercolor Painting; More Aquabord Practice

Hello Everyone;
Here is another new painting on aquabord by Ampersand.  No, your not seeing things, this composition is very similar to the other one.  When I am trying out something new, I find it beneficial to paint a very similar scene to gauge the progress or regression in the quality of work.  When you have something close to compare different paintings to, it seems to be more obvious of triumphs and failures.  Trust me when I say, failures are just as important and possibly more important then triumphs when learning something new.  Take your mistakes and learn from them and you will progress much quicker then ignoring them.  In my experiences with painting, I have met a lot of people expecting too much in the beginning of their learning process.  They seem to think that they can become experts in a few days and therefore, each mistake they make they look at as a set back and failure instead of a learning experience.  So many end up quitting art for that reason among others.  Always look at mistakes and failed paintings as an opportunity to progress in your journey of becoming an artist.  It is not a cop out or rationalization to make you feel better.  Over the years, my mistakes have been the reason I can sell my work.  My mistakes are the reason I can keep making that next step forward.  My mistakes are the reason I will, one day, be the artist I have always dreamed of being.  Embrace your mistakes and failures and become the artist you have always dreamed of being.  It will happen, just put everything you have into it.

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